Dear Members:
We may be small, but we are still Mighty! To get to know each other better, the Membership Committee would like to form a group of Havurot. If you would like to form a Havurah or would like to know of others who are interested in doing so, please contact us with your ideas. Following are suggestions that might interest you.
- Camping
- Men’s Bridge Group
- Singles Group
- Theater Group
- Travel
- Couples Bridge Group
- Jewish Topics
- Los Angeles Theater
- Knitting
- Discussion Group
- Mexican Train
- Photography
If you are interested in forming a group mentioned above or are interested in other possibilities, contact Kathleen Arnold-Chambers at or Charlotte Abrams at (661) 587-7706 or
The term “Havurah” is derived from the Hebrew word “Haver”, which means friend.
Let us join together with our Friends in the TBE Community.
Charlotte Abrams, Kathleen Arnold-Chambers and the Membership Committee
Since our email regarding the Havurot, the members below have shown interest in the following:
The Freedmans and the Sincoffs: A group preferably with folks with kids ages 10-14.
Marsha Parr and Patricia Bell: Jewish topics
Marsha Parr: Travel